Arms Smuggling Dynamics under Taliban Rule

Justine Fleischner
Situation Update

Situation Update: Afghanistan

Since the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban have sought to tighten their control over arms possession among their provincial commanders, the men under them, as well as civilians, and to rein in smuggling activity. Despite these efforts, however, smuggling continues, influenced by local dynamics in the provinces and long-standing clandestine arms trafficking networks. 

'Arms Smuggling Dynamics under Taliban Rule' —a new Situation Update co-authored by the Small Arms Survey and Afghan Peace Watch—reports on the recent field investigations in the country, and the risks for arms proliferation under the Taliban.

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Key findings


Arms smuggling under the Taliban

Nangarhar province


This Situation Update was funded by a grant from the German Federal Foreign Office. The opinions, findings, and conclusions stated herein are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those
of the German Federal Foreign Office.

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Keywords: Afghanistan Situation Update Smuggling

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